World Wellbeing Week 2023

Busy Lizzie @

No matter how busy life gets (and you know how busy I can be!) I always like to take some time to stop, have a breather and focus on my wellbeing. Whether it’s taking Bob out on a walk, cosying up on the sofa or a full face cleansing routine, I try to take some time for self-care. 

The reason I bring this up is that this week it’s World Wellbeing Week, and I wanted to share with you all what this means and how you can get involved.

What is World Wellbeing Week?

World Wellbeing Week was created by Wellbeing World and is an opportunity for everyone worldwide to celebrate and focus on aspects of wellbeing. I was surprised to learn that wellbeing stretches beyond just your physical and mental health, it also includes financial security, meaningful, purposeful work, community relations and care for the environment just to name a few!

I’ve been thinking of ways I can get involved with World Wellbeing Week and I wanted to share my ideas so you too can focus on your wellbeing!

Connect with friends and family

World Wellbeing Week is all about taking the time to rejoice and reconnect with friends and family. As you’ll know, my family and friends are incredibly important to me and spending time with them is one of my favourite things to do.

I love an excuse for a get-together, so this weekend I’ll be having the family over for a garden party and a BBQ, making the most of the glorious sunshine we’ve had lately. 

I’ll be grabbing some throws and cushions and turning the garden into the perfect relaxation spot for everyone to chill out and enjoy each other's company. I think I’ll leave Ady in charge of the BBQ whilst I enjoy the sunshine…

Woman under blanket in the garden with a baby


Support charities and local communities 

Part of World Wellbeing Week is taking time to thank health workers and carers and spotlight the growing number of charities and social enterprises. We’re very proud to support some amazing charities here at Hug at Home that specialise in providing wellbeing to others.

Our latest charity partner, the Rainbow Trust, provides emotional and practical support to families who have a child aged 0-18 with a life-threatening or terminal illness. The support includes keeping children company during hospital stays, organising activities for the children and their families and listening to their fears and anxieties.

The Rainbow Trust is an amazing organisation and I am delighted to support this charity and the work that they do. We’ve chosen some of our brightest designs, Bright Spot 1 and Rainbow 2, and donated 10% of the sales to the superstars at the Rainbow Trust.

A little closer to home is another brilliant charity we’re happy to support, the Sunshine Sunflower Foundation. They provide 16-24 year olds from difficult upbringings with opportunities to develop various skills through horticultural activity, as well as giving them access to therapeutic sessions to improve their general wellbeing.

The Sunshine Sunflower Foundation are the perfect example of a charity to support during World Wellbeing Week. The work that they do allows the young people they work with to gain qualifications, confidence and new experiences that they wouldn’t have had otherwise. I was lucky enough to spend a day with them and see the work that they do first-hand and it was evident how much the charity has helped support them!

Group of people in gardening gear


Take care of the environment 

One of the most important aspects of wellbeing being celebrated during World Wellbeing Week is care for the environment. Now, you could call me a bit of an eco-warrior, but I take sustainability seriously and I’m always trying to make eco-friendly choices to protect our planet.

We’ve been on an environmental journey at Hug at Home and we’re proud to create environmentally sustainable products - every little helps! For instance, our Hug Rugs are created using recycled cotton garments and recycled plastic bottles. So next time you go to throw away a plastic bottle make sure it goes in the recycling bin, it could end up in one of our Hug Rugs!

Plastic bottle being picked up from beach


Taking the time to listen

Now this one is a simple action, but something that could make a big difference to someone’s day and their wellbeing. Just taking the time to spend company with someone and listen to them rather than rushing off can make more of a difference than you’d know. Whether it’s a family member, a friend or even a work colleague, this kind action can have a huge impact on them and their mental wellbeing - I know it definitely does for me!

Women sat around a table talking in a garden on a blue rug


I hope you’ll all join me this week in taking some time to focus on wellbeing, whether it’s your own or supporting another cause. Now I’m off to enjoy some quiet time for myself and curl up with a good book!

Busy Lizzie x