How To Make A House a Home

Busy Lizzie @

August and September can be such a busy time of year as everyone enjoys the last full month of summer (I’m hoping we get a bit more sunshine before it ends!) and prepares for the ever so exciting back-to-school period.

Change is in the air during this time however, did you know that August and September are the most popular months to move house? I can’t blame people, if I was choosing to move house I’d want to do it when it’s warm rather than in the freezing cold!

It can be hard saying goodbye to one home and hello to a new one, but it’s also very exciting! Once the hard part of lugging boxes back and forth is over (which I usually leave Ady to do) the fun can begin - decorating and making your house a home! Now, this is where I let Ady relax and I choose my moment to shine.

Grab a cuppa and let’s have a look at some of my top tips for making your home warm and snug.

Create a Cosy Sanctuary

Let’s start with the bedroom and the living room, the spaces in your house where you’ll spend most of your time. These are the rooms that you want to put effort into making cosy, so you can come home at the end of the day and be as snug as a bug in a rug!

I know I certainly enjoy doing this (especially with a glass of wine and a good TV show), and have put a lot of effort into making these spaces as relaxing and comfy as possible. How do I do this? With plenty of throws and cushions of course! 

Now, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I love a good rug. There’s nothing better than squishing your toes into a soft, warm rug. They can seriously transform your living space and liven up the area - plus your feet will thank you! We have a wonderful team of designers at Hug at Home that have created a range of lovely rugs over the years, such as our woven range which is made from 100% plastic bottles, yet they still feel as soft as wool! Of course, if you’re after a more traditional look, our pure wool range is just as amazing.

A young girl and a dog lying in front of the fire on a rug 

Make the Entrance Inviting

Let’s move onto the entryway/hallway. When you’re all unpacked and settled you’re obviously going to want to invite your friends and family around to show off your new home. This area is going to be the first thing they’ll see when they step through the door so you don’t want to make a bad impression now do you! An easy way to stop this from happening is simply to keep the area tidy, making sure coats are hung up and shoes are put away to prevent anyone tripping up on their way in, although it may take a few times of repeating this message before the kids start doing it!

And obviously you can’t forget about putting down a front door mat! Our Hug Rugs make great front door mats thanks to all of the dirt and mud they trap and they’re a fantastic way to liven up your entryway. If you’re looking to bring some colour into your life, we have plenty of designs to choose from such as our new Sunflower 1 Charity Mat or best-selling Stripe 32. Pair this with a matching hallway runner and you’re on to a winning combination. 

A striped front door mat and runner with muddy wellies on top

Keep Your Garden Tidy

It’s no secret that I love gardening, any excuse to get myself outside and in the fresh air! A well looked after garden makes a huuuge difference to your home. Now, I’m not saying you should completely makeover your garden as soon as you move in, there’s a lot of work involved in that! However, here’s a few little things you can start getting your fingers green with.  

No one wants an out of control garden. Keeping your grass cut short and removing those pesky weeds can instantly transform your garden. Plant some flowers to add a splash of colour, or even a vegetable or herb garden which you’ll eventually start to benefit from! 

I appreciate not everyone knows everything about gardening, I certainly didn't when I first started! One of our charity partners, the RHS, provides a fantastic guide to getting started with gardening and it’s a perfect place to start to get your outdoor space looking fab.

Remember to keep an outdoor mat or a Hug Rug at the back door to keep your floor sparkling if you’ve been working in the mud!

Showcase Personal Items 

I love showing off my family and friends and have lots of pictures and cherished mementos from them displayed throughout my home. It’s all about adding that personal touch to your space and transforming those boring, blank walls. 

Turning them into a gallery of friendly faces of loved ones is a fab way to do this and make sure that memories aren’t forgotten about!

Are you moving house soon or know anyone who is? This list is a great starting point to get your house feeling like a home (if I do say so myself). They’ve certainly helped to turn my home into a cosy and snuggly place!

Busy Lizzie x